Corporate Governance


HD Leasing is a non-banking financial institution regulated by Financial Regulatory Authority (FRA).
HD Leasing is strongly committed to abide by laws and regulations and apply the corporate governance and compliance guidelines.

HD Leasing Shareholder Structure:

Share Holder Legal Form Paid in Capital Contribution %
Housing & Development Bank S .A .E. EGP 120,000,000 60%
Housing & Development Company for Real Estate Investment S .A .E. EGP 79,000,000 39.67%
Holding Company for Investment & Development S .A .E. EGP 1,000,000 0.33%
Total Paid in Capital* EGP 200,000,000 100%


HD Leasing's Major Shareholder

Housing & Development Bank (HD Bank):
HD Bank was established as an Egyptian joint stock company in 1979. Upon its launch, the key mandate of HD Bank key is to finance moderate housing units to Egypt’s inhabitants together with a leading role in mending the gap between supply & demand in the real estate market. In 2003, HD Bank was restructured to become a conventional Commercial bank. Currently, HD Bank’s network has reached 100 branches spread all over Egypt’s governorates. HD Bank has a Paid-Up Capital of EGP 1.265 bln and total assets amounting to EGP 61.3 bln as of December 31st, 2020.
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